KbdDisplay keyboard button or keys combinationImportimport { Kbd } from '@mantine/core';SourceView source codeDocsEdit this pagePackage@mantine/coreDocumentationComponent propsStyles APIUsage⌘ + shift + M<Kbd>⌘</Kbd> + <Kbd>shift</Kbd> + <Kbd>M</Kbd>ExampleUsage example with TextInput component – Kbd is used to describe keyboard shortcut to focus input:Ctrl+Kimport { Kbd, TextInput } from '@mantine/core';import { MagnifyingGlassIcon } from '@modulz/radix-icons'; function Demo() { const rightSection = ( <div style={{ display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center' }}> <Kbd>Ctrl</Kbd> <span style={{ margin: '0 5px' }}>+</span> <Kbd>K</Kbd> </div> ); return ( <TextInput placeholder="Search" icon={<MagnifyingGlassIcon />} rightSectionWidth={90} rightSection={rightSection} styles={{ rightSection: { pointerEvents: 'none' } }} /> );}Go backImage – @mantine/coreUp nextSpoiler – @mantine/coreTable of contentsUsageExampleBuild fully functional accessible web applications faster than everProjectContribute to MantineMedia assetsChangelogReleasesCommunityJoin Discord communityFollow on TwitterEmail newsletterGitHub discussionsFeedbackYour feedback is most valuable contribution to the project, please share how you use Mantine, what features are missing and what is done goodLeave feedbackBuilt by Vitaly Rtishchev and these awesome peopleJoin Discord communityFollow Mantine on Twitter